Every March, Pilates enthusiasts across the globe share their love for the work in a synchronised social media campaign.
It’s about celebrating the original sequence of Mat exercises by Joseph Pilates as featured in his book, Return to Life Through Contrology.
Everybody and every body is welcome. It’s not about showing off, but about showing up. It’s not a contest, it’s a celebration and it gets you moving more which is a great thing!
March MATness is celebrated around the world. Join the movement, we’d love to have you! Find out more here about the Benjamin Degenhardt, 360 Pilates and the creators of March MATness.
This year’s theme is all about your Mat stories.
Relating to the individual exercise (you can find a list further down below) , tell us your story behind that exercise. Perhaps it’s a funny story of a complete disaster, or the first time the exercise clicked for you or you had a major breakthrough with it. Tell us how you’ve struggled with that exercise, what were your lows, do you remember a really good day or a high? Perhaps the way one teacher taught you that exercise really struck a chord with you. Tell us more about how your teachers’s style, tit bit of information, cueing or hands on moment helped you make a lightbulb moment with it. Don’t forget your photo or video doing the exercise.
You don’t have to say it in straight words. You could get creative and artistic too. Draw a picture, an abstract sketch, something serious, something funny, or make up a quick ditty or poem… there really are no rules. We can’t wait to read and hear your #matstories.
As founder of The Pilates Pod, Michelle will be sharing her weekly blogs of the exercises as we go along. Find out expert tips, tricks, techniques and all important How To Tutorials of the exercises from breakdown beginner to challenge time clients! So don’t forget to keep checking the blog section on the our website (at the bottom of the page)
Get 4 mat classes this March for £50*. Choose from selected sessions only: Classical Matwork (Mondays 9.30am), Gentle Flow Matwork (Wednesdays 9.30am) or Matwork with Fascia Release (Sundays 10am.) More info on classes here.
Share at least 5 mat stories to your social media and at the end of the month, you could go onto to bag yourself free Pilates with 2 x 55 minute 1:1 Pilates sessions with us at The Pilates Pod, to help you feel the benefit on the whole system on your Matwork (worth up to £130)
Post your mat story to your Facebook or Instagram and tag us using @thepilatespod in the post. Don’t forget to use the hashtags #matstories #marchmatness2020 #posdsquad and also # the name of the exercise you are relating the post too, so we can see your posts, get to know you better and share your stories to the official @marchmatness Instagram feed where you could be featured. (if you don’t have a Facebook or Instagram account, you can join in and email us your photos, videos and mat stories.
NB: *Classes are not suitable if you are injured, have current disc issues or pain or are pregnant. Classes need to be used within March only. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. New clients are welcome to join with this offer, and can still continue afterwards onto a New Client Package for the whole system benefit and proper induction.
Full list of Matwork exercises
March 1: #hundred
March 2: #rollup
March 3: #rollover
March 4: #onelegcircle
March 5: #rollingback
March 6: #onelegstretch
March 7: #doublelegstretch
March 8: #spinestretch
March 9: #rockerwithopenlegs
March 10: #corkscrew
March 11: #saw
March 12: #swandive
March 13: #onelegkick
March 14: #doublelegkick
March 15: #neckpull
March 16: #scissors and #bicycle
March 17: #shoulderbridge
March 18: #spinetwist
March 19: #jackknife
March 20: #sidekick
March 21: #teaser
March 22: #hiptwist
March 23: #swimming
March 24: #legpulls (front and back)
March 25: #kneelingsidekick
March 26: #sidebend
March 27: #boomerang
March 28: #seal and #crab
March 29: #rocking
March 30: #controlbalance
March 31: #pushup