Have you ever felt pumped up, motivated, and booked into a hardcore intensity fitness class? But on the day of the class, you wish you were doing some stretches and meditation instead?
Or the only basic class you can attend on the timetable is Monday and the other days of the week have only advanced classes?
How about when you’ve been in a class where the fitness teacher has clearly pre-planned a routine to do, but you walk in the door with a dicky shoulder that doesn’t fancy doing the “arms burn” class they had planned?
We’ve all been there!
But what if you didn’t have to choose in advance? What if you could let your mind and your body decide what you need and want on the day you wish to exercise?
We’ve got a new, more intuitive way to exercise that gets exactly the results you want on the day you want them, without any pre-planned lesson plans.
Introducing Pick n Mix Pilates
Our Pilates classes will use the entire suite of large traditional Pilates apparatus, small props, and floor and wall work to create a highly unique and prescriptive Pilates class. Each teacher may also utilise tools in their toolbox from their training in breathwork, pain management, fitness, fascia release, yoga, stretching, meditation, athletic conditioning, or more. The Pilates? Well, that’s always the main focus and always true to its original method. You could be using Reformers, Wunda Chairs, Towers, Small Barrels, Spine Correctors, Toe Gizmos, Jumpboards, Rollers, Fascia Balls, Fit Balls, and so much more!
Developed by Director and lead teacher Michelle to be a truely intuitive and client-driven programme that’s tailor-made even within a group setting. Advanced mind-body exercise at it’s finest.
In every class, we’ll ask you, as a collective group, just two simple questions.
“How’s your brain feeling today?”
“How’s your body feeling today?”
- Maybe your body feels tight and heavy, your brain feels overactive and fried, but you need your mind to be clear and alert – you need a decompression session.
- Maybe your body feels tired, your mind wants (and can) slow down and switch off – you need a relaxing and restorative session.
- Maybe your body and mind feel okay – you could benefit from a ‘flow and move’ workout to challenge you.
- Some days you want to explore more ways to help your hips, shoulders, or tight feet – you would benefit from a focused session.
Your body and mind do not always have the same needs and wants on a single day. Therefore our Pilates classes aren’t the same either.
Our group Pilates classes are led classes with your teacher guiding you through the workout.
- No class levels needed.
- Suitable for all abilities with general good health.
- Attend any class, any day of the week.
- Highly unique classes programming on the day for what you need.
Always fun, always results driven, always fresh and motivating, always what the collective wants. You decide what your mind and body are telling you they need.
All we ask is that you come with an open heart and an explorative mind, share how you feel both in body and mind and we’ll take care of the rest!
Find out more about how it works.