Pod TV - Video Library
Welcome to Pod TV
We’ve curated and created some of our top-tips, workouts and other videos to help you get the most out of your Pilates when you are away from the studio. We’ll be adding new content every term, so check back regularly!
To gain access, you will need to login with either your Pod TV Video Library membership access code, or access code for free access with specific studio memberships.
If you’re planning on practising any of the workouts here, remember first to take a look at our guidelines page, to make sure that you’re exercising safely at all times. Remember, “if in doubt, leave it out”.
Watch our video workouts to help inspire your own practice from home.
Pilates Recipe Lesson 6
Matwork was created by Joe Pilates as your homework when you couldn’t get into the studio. Clever chap!
So come on, roll out your mat (or folded towel /blanket, or even just use the carpet!) and practice with us. Of course, it won’t be exactly the same as being in the studio and us walking around you, and yes, you will have to navigate technology and sometimes technology has glitches…. but your Pilates workout isn’t really about practicing in the ideal setting or circumstances, or having the perfect form! Pilates teaches us how to have good control in our body and in our lives, helps us develop a strong will and focuses us.
Pod TV - Beginners 'Chocolate Collection' Part 1. The Pelvis.
Pod TV - Beginners 'Chocolate Collection' Part 1. The Pelvis.