Feb 28, 2019 | Blog, News, Pilates
Every March, Pilates enthusiasts across the globe share their love for the work in a synchronized social media campaign. Ready to join the movement? Fantastic! First, roll out your Mat. Then follow these steps: Follow March MATness on social media Follow us...
Jan 12, 2019 | Blog, News, Pilates, Teacher training
Putting the “workout” back into Pilates You’ve already heard of Pilates, right? You know – that thing that’s “a bit like yoga” or the one that “my wife does to breath and stretch out”. You might need to think again! With so many types of Pilates out there, and...
Oct 31, 2018 | Back Care, Blog, Events, Pelvic Floor, Pilates, Pilates Made Me Do It, Pregnancy & PostNatal
Have you ever heard of anyone doing a marathon without putting in the months of training before hand? Were they very successful? …. yeah I didn’t think so! There isn’t a hope in hell I could get around 26 miles without doing months of smaller runs,...
Oct 3, 2018 | Back Care, Events, Pilates
Are you suffering from back aches and pains? Do you feel stiffer than the Tin Man from Wizard of Oz? Want to know the secret to longer term back care management? The great news is …..You don’t have to put up with it! Back pain affects over 50% of the UK...
Sep 20, 2018 | News, Pilates
Welcome to The Pilates Pod. An award winning, authentic Classical Pilates Apparatus and Matwork Studio in Hitchin, Hertfordshire. We are open 7 days a week. Classes every day. Classes until 9pm mid week. You are not tied in to anything. You have complete control of...