Aug 15, 2018 | Blog, Events, Pilates
Our instructors are not only great Pre and Post natal Pilates teachers, but we are also specialists from Carolyn Anthony’s Centre of Womens Health for helping with things such as healing for Caesarean section, Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation) and Pelvic...
Aug 15, 2018 | Blog, Pilates
The Pilates method (or Contrology as it was originally named) is a system of exercises in a unique order that when performed all together, with links between for smooth transitions will help you: Benefits of Pilates….. Move your body in all the ways it can to...
Aug 15, 2018 | Events, News
The Pilates Pod is getting even better! We’re incredibly excited that in September 2018 we will be launching our all-new full apparatus classical pilates studio. Featuring ladder barrel, classical reformers, towers, high chair. Wunda chair, neck stretchers, foot and...