Mar 2, 2022 | Beginners Pilates, Blog, Events, Fitness, march matness, News, Pilates, Pilates Tips, pilatesinhitchin
march matness Some say the matwork is like the bread and the Reformer is like the butter. For me, I think of the whole of the Pilates system as a recipe. The basics (some call them the Pre Pilates building blocks) before the Hundred on the mat even begins, is what I...
Mar 2, 2022 | Beginners Pilates, Blog, Fitness, From Meh To Me, From Meh to Me, march matness, Michelle's Musings, Mind Movement Matters, News, Pilates, Pilates Tips, pilatesinhitchin
It’s totally ok to be cr*p! Do you remember learning to drive a car? I bet there were bunny hops and stalling the car, all over the place!Do you remember learning a language and having to practice over and over again?Do you remember studying for your degree and...
Feb 15, 2022 | Blog, Community, Events, Fundraising, News, Online classes and 1:1s, Pilates, pilatesinhitchin, Pod Team
“If the last couple of years have taught us anything, it’s that community matters and health is everything.” Owner, Michelle Smith We are so proud to announce that through fundraising actions and generosity, we smashed our initial target to raise...
Jan 31, 2022 | Beginners Pilates, Fitness, News, Pilates, pilatesinhitchin, Special Offers
Show your bestie how much you love her with a whole loada love… Pilates style! Nominate your gal pal for a free online Pilates mat class with us. All you need to do is: Share our Whole Lotta Pilates Love post/story on your social mediaTag your gal pal and say...
Jan 12, 2022 | Back Care, Blog, Fitness, News, Online classes and 1:1s, Pelvic Floor, Pilates, Pilates Courses, Pilates for Men, Pilates Tips, pilatesinhitchin, Teacher training
Jelly Babies No, No No. I’m not talking about those that followed around the rock ‘n’ roll stars of the 70’s! I’m taking about Group Pilates Classes! When did they start? Who are they for? Who are they not suitable for? Are you meant for...